In 2018 as we prepared to celebrate our 6th year, the committee decided to add The Patrick Conner Ticket. The honoree will be gifted with subscriptions to the following companies for the year in which they were honoured. Patrick would never have believed it! We are so grateful for your Support
Mariah Horner (2018)
Mariah Horner is a theatre artist based in Kingston. She is the director of the Storefront Fringe Festival and produces digital content for SpiderWebShow and foldA (Festival of Live Digital Art). She was a 2017/18 Metcalf Foundation Intern with both SpiderWebShow and Theatre Kingston, and founded the site-specific company Cellar Door Project in 2013. www.cellardoorproject.com
For 2018 The Patrick Conner Award Recipient received subscriptions to:
Buddies In Bad Times Theatre http://buddiesinbadtimes.com/
Crow's Theatre https://www.crowstheatre.com/
Factory Theatre https://www.factorytheatre.ca/
Luminato Festival https://luminatofestival.com/
Soulpepper Theatre https://www.soulpepper.ca/
The Tarragon Theatre http://www.tarragontheatre.com/
Theatre Passe Muraille https://www.passemuraille.ca/wp/